Tuesday, July 12, 2011

52 Google AdSense tips, tools and more useful Sources, you must use

Google Adsense is a platform widely used to monetize your blog content. Google AdSense is really an incredible contextual advertising system, but most editors did not know how to make the most of Google AdSense. Here I have a list of the most useful Google AdSense official tools and where you are going to know a lot of tips and tricks to use AdSense life more convenient and easier, more you will be able to make more money with Google AdSense. You will certainly find these 52 great tools and links useful.
Google Adsense policy GuidelinesProgram and conditions - follow these rules.AdSense FAQ - support centre Adsense for official guidelines.Tax information AdSense - how google collects and uses your tax information15 common errors of Adsense - avoid these mistakes that could get your adsense account banned. Advertising formats - official list of the different types of advertising formats, you can use.Guidelines will help webmaster - rank, index and Google find your site.Note that a violation of the policy - if you notice a site displaying Google ads that you believe violates program policies, tell them.
AdSense DemosGoogle Adsense Tower Starter - you with the program Adsense.Getting Started Demo: learn to sign, copy and paste your code, set up the alternate ads and your competitive Ad Filter.Help with Ad Code Demo: solve basic issues in the implementation of your code. Also covers how to implement your code using two different types of WYSIWYG software.Payment Demo: learn more about AdSense payment cycle, a click on your ads for money to the Bank!Optimization Demo: Learn how to use the size of the advertising and placement to maximize your AdSense income.
Follow the Adsense revenue, statistics and ClicksAdsense notifier - extension Firefox that displays your Adsense earnings on the State of Firefox.SysSense bar - Google AdSense personal desktop monitor. It keeps your information current Google AdSense in the taskbar Windows.AdSense Widget - widget Dashboard Mac connects to your Google AdSense account and displays the last 6 days of revenue generated by your advertising Google account automatically.Stats for AdSense widget - allows you to display your Google AdSense reports directly from your Mac OS X Dashboard.Adsense status - GoogleDesktop plugin to display your Google Adsense account earnings information in the Google Desktop Sidebar. Available information: the page impressions, clicks, page CTR, page eCPM and your earnings.Alert AdSense - client desktop monitors your adsense earnings.Performancing Metrics - a blog statistics service free professional grade followed adsense limited click dataAdsense earnings RSS feed - a simple script that will create an RSS with your daily Adsense earnings on your regular reader.Google AdSense graphics and charts - chart your adsense in a multi-dimensional graphics data.AdSenseLog is a tool to check and analyze your data of ads Adsense (contents, search, Custom/URL and orientation channels).
Notice / Test Adsense AdsGoogle AdSense preview tool - addition to the context menu for Windows Internet Explorer 6.x, allowing you to view the ads that may show on any web page. AdSense Preview - Preview the Google ads that may show on any web page.Google AdSense Sandbox tool - see what kind of ads Google AdSense will appear based on the content or keywords. See up to 20 Ads AdSense sample to the URL or keywords.Overture keyword tool - suggest keyword bid amount and suggestions keyword that will help you to high paying keywords target.Google Adwords tool of words - reports their Google statistics, including search performance and seasonal trends and generates potential keywords for your campaign.
Google Adsense offers Plugins for WordPress AdRotator WordPress Plugin - rotate as your ads adsense with other programs like Chitika EminimallsAdsense Deluxe of affiliates - advanced management options AutoText of ads Google AdSense or Yahoo Publisher Network (YPN) to your messages of WordPress.AdSense Injection - inserts code Adsense randomly into a pre-existing blog.AdSense Widget for WordPress Sidebar - Google AdSense widget I designed for the new WordPress Sidebar Widgets plug-in.
Google Adsense optimization tips Adsense success case studies - detailing the Publishers page top adsense success stories.Optimizing AdSense for Forums - get CTR higher by a single placement adsense strategy. Blogtimize! General advice - placement ad for blogs for top tips for optimization CTRAdsense - for better positioning of ads and earn a higher income.AdSense webinars - online seminars that help publishers to obtain results of their implementations of AdSense.How to increase Google Adsense CTR - simple tips on the colors and placement of advertising can increase the CTRLe best of Eyetrack III - What We Saw when we looked through their eyes. How readers scan a page Web.Comment remove public service ads - simple tips to help you remove ads not paid SAP.AdsBlackList - learn how to search, to recognize and filter paying low google ads.Rotate colours of ads Google Adsense - helps reduce the Ad BlindnessHigh paying Adsense keywords - updated list of keywords for higher current for Google Adsense payment.
Alternate AdsAlternate ads - allows you to use your advertising space in the case where Google fails to serve ads on your page. Alternative URL - provides a share of revenues 50-50, income of forwarding of the payments monthly of complete global coverage, family safe ads, paypal supported and provides detailed statistics. AlterNut Ad - pay you a fixed rate every month in return you display thier ad instead of the PSA. Invite only.By default the ads - load your affiliate or other ads DefaultAds and generate a link to include in your alternate to Google Adsense ad URL. They show their own ads 1 of every 100 prints for this service.
ForumsInside AdSense blog - official blog which posts the new advice and information on the new features of AdSense and AdSense cats.AdSense Help - Google adsense support group. User only posts "adsensepro" is approved by Google. Digitalpoint Forum Adsense - deals with Adsense payments, guidelines, statistics and reports and much more.Forum webmaster of world Adsense - Discussions around Googles text Ad service AdSense.
Stats MiscellaneousGoogle AdSense (GASS) syndrome - the compulsive need to check AdSense stats every 15 minutes or so to see how you have earned since your prior connection. more.Discover the Adsense Google Books for sale on Amazon. Filed in: Google Adsense

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