Is this the new musical power glove? Imogen Heap says this. The Grammy-winning rocked the stylish hand warmers on a TEDGlobal 2011 event in Edinburgh, Scotland, gesture-based music during a demonstration 4 minutes with the gloves wirelessly to a nearby laptop connected. Would this death of theremin, as we know, or just a good excuse to do a caption competition?
Brian: "Imogen is no heaven."
Terrence: "Mrs heap hard at work on a sequel to the NES"classic"bad road Club, tentatively titled street corner complainer."
Darren: "Ernst?" "Wires?"
Brad: "now if only I mitts could find some oven, which magically would bake cookies for me I would be set!"
Jon: "force gloves allow improving Imogen one to Luke, X-Wing increase."
Tim: "I intensely enough now see?" For wistful? "What happens if I tilt my head a bit further up?"
Amar: "and then gave them the Grammy Award for me and I grabbed it as follows and dann--said oh, I already told you this story?"
Dante: "what do you mean, that they are not Kashmir?"
Joseph: "so I was Bjorks leg as they hold, but she still could via non-Tor of Madonna's."
Sean: "to sleep, to dream - perhaps Yes, there's the rub..."
Christopher: "Please Sir, I would ask Sie--not my Flowbee take."
Richard LAI: "Ceiling cat, come to Momma."
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